Friday, September 5, 2014


If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this post early in the day yesterday. This is how my car has looked for 9 days. NINE DAYS. I was taught to drive like a semi driver, and I'm blessed to have a vehicle equipped with a rear camera, but I'm ready to have my vehicle emptied. 

Here's the story. I was supposed to move four days ago. There were snafus the entire way, and I just have my fingers crossed that I'll get in tomorrow morning. What's been stressful about the whole situation, though, is that I have had all of my stuff packed since Sunday. All my clothes, dishes, food, all of it. I've been staying with Nathan, but my three changes of clothes is exhausting. 

I just try to keep reminding myself that I'm stressed because I can't find clothes to wear to job interviews or to work, and that I should be grateful that two weeks out of college, I have a part time job and I'm scheduling interviews. It's helping a little - just gotta keep my chin up! 

I have so many drafts that I need to format still for you all, but, alas, my computer is packed away somewhere. Forgive any formatting errors in this post - the Blogger app only does so much!

How's your first week of September been?

Monday, September 1, 2014


Happy September! While I'm all about endless summer, there's something about September that gets me every time. Yeah, there's the "new beginnings" aspect of it, but it's so much more to me. There's a sense of organization I get - new Post It's, my favorite pens, a fun new notebook. I start looking at new planners, putting in months of thought before I commit to one in November. Football season is here, and I've grown up knowing that it brings so much (more on that later!) I'm moving this week, looking for jobs, and starting so much. But what I get most excited for is holidays. September is the beginning of holiday season, and I cannot get enough. Keep your eyes out for my #fallfavorites post coming soon, as well! 

What is September to you?