There's something incredibly bittersweet about New Year's to me. It was the best holiday in elementary and middle school - parents couldn't tell a group of screaming girls that they had to go to bed, because we had to stay up until midnight! As I got older, the parties were duller and more often than not, I was with my family or one or two friends, and I fell asleep before the ball dropped. (Last year, we just ate cheese and watched Harry Potter. I fell asleep at 11.)
New Year's is a celebration of the year to come, and the things that have passed, but we're also saying good bye to an entire year. An entire year of bad decisions, good decisions, memories and moments that is no longer last month, at the beginning of the year, or the other day. It suddenly becomes last year, and then two years ago, and soon when recollecting the memories and decisions and moments, we won't even be able to remember what year it was.
No one else? I'm the only one?
Well I don't care.
I look at the clock and it's 10:30 in the morning on New Year's Eve. I still don't have plans tonight, aside from the fact that I know I'll be with Nathan. And that's okay. When I think of the parties I had and went to for New Year's Eve, I only ever remember the people I'm with - not the year, not watching the ball drop, just seeing my people, like it's any other night. And that's okay.
This year, I have a lot to be thankful, I'm saying good bye to a lot of things, and I'm honestly glad the year is over. I had the hardest semester of my college career, I got the best grades for a semester I've had. I got to go to New York City with my entire family this time, and Nathan and I took our first long-distance trip together. My grandma's breast cancer became bone cancer, but she's pushing through. My family got a foreign exchange student, which means I have a new sister. My brother learned to read. This blog was started. I no longer have a bedroom at either of my parents' house, so I feel like that's a huge thing of growing up.
Those are the snapshots of my year. I'm sure if I thought harder and longer, I'd have lists of things to talk about, but it's okay. I've failed at a lot of things this year, more than I could ever list or remember. That isn't going to change. I wish I could share the New Year's resolutions I made with you, but I don't make resolutions.
I have things I want to accomplish, goals and challenges that I set for myself. I'm working on a 101 in 1001 list, which I will be sure to share when I'm finished with it. So I'll share some of those things with you - here is what I want 2014 to bring:
- I want to read more books that aren't school related.
- I want to save more money so that I can get my own place in September.
- I want to cut back on the amount of pop I drink (one of my bad habits).
- I want to call my family more.
- I want to send birthday and anniversary cards to my family and friends.
- I want to finish my 101 in 1001 list.
- I want to start another series similar to my holiday one.
Again, only a snapshot.
I'm not going to bore you with too much more, so I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's and the whole year to come. Best wishes to you all.