Hey all. Everything has been such a crazy disaster of love and life and everything inbetween. With starting a new job, cramming what was already an intense semester class into 5 weeks, working on Dankbar, and still managing to see people and not be a hermit, I hate to say that the blog has been pushed not only to the back burner, but behind it. So much has been going on, there's so much I could share, yet the minute I sit down to type something, click goes the off switch on my brain and I'm ready for bed.
I've been reading a ton on priorities, and most of my favorite blogs have had great tips and advice on how to prioritize (see Nicole, Carly, & Ashley). They've been so, so helpful and encouraging while I've been working, yet there's been this disconnect between my goals, my have-tos, and my priorities.
While it's easy to say that Dankbar Designs is my number one priority, it's not easy to make it so. Then on other days, it's easy to say "oh yeah, my relationships are definitely my number one priority". But what about the fact that I need to finish my degree? Welp, guess school just became my number one. Where do I draw the line? Is it realistic to put my relationships before school or Dankbar? But can I put school before either of those?
What I'm trying to say is, it's been complicated. This blog, the SailorrTaylorr me, just isn't my priority - however, it's my outlet. It's my place where I can write, where I can share, and where I can obsess over little things (and big things). While it isn't my priority, it's always on my list. So please, bear with me as I flit in and out throughout the summer - nothing will be as consistent as I'd like it, but I will get you content. I'm struggling enough as it is trying to juggle three number one priorities. Having something that isn't a priority, that I can just go to like a favorite pillow or book, it's what I need. And I love it. I love you. So thanks.
Here's some quick snapshots of what I've been up to since we last talked:
I got to spend time with my second family, and loved every minute of it.
I've been taking plenty of walks and runs across the Stone Arch Bridge, giving me great views of Downtown Minneapolis, and an amazing view of Mill City.
Starbucks and walks with Nathan have kept me sane more than once, though I'm pretty sure that the Starbucks part of the habit needs to end soon or my wallet will cry.
Learning and growing in this building. Folwell Hall is my favorite and least favorite building on the U of M campus simultaneously. I have learned more than I could ever express in this beautiful building, but I've had growing experiences that have made me want to cry, as well.
That's a snippet of what I've been up to. I have the chance now to sit down and crank out a few posts, so hopefully there will be plenty of material coming your way!
What has everyone else been up to?
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