Tuesday, February 25, 2014


To be honest, I'm writing this during class.  Terribly awful of me, I know, but if I don't do something, I'll go crazy.  If you think I'll be fine and should just pay attention, let me say this.  This is a four hour class.  FOUR.  HOURS.

Yes.  It's my own fault for taking this class.  In my defense, I thought it would be more than it is and I thought that there would be more guidance than there is.  My reasoning for taking this class, or even the class itself is not the point.  The point is motivation; or more specifically, un-motivation.

Motivation is the bane of my existence.  There are days when I need to motivate myself to do every menial task; get out of bed, brush my teeth, eat, so on, and so on.  Other days, I wake up ready to take the day and sing a little song every time I cross something off The List of Things to Do.  I never know what kind of day it is when I lay my head on my pillow and pull my blankets up to my chin - but sometimes, I know as it's happening that my motivation is slipping away.

Today is one of those days.  I woke up not feeling well and had to push myself to get to class, through work, and to my next class.  This four hour long class.  Here's where the story truly happens.  I'd built up enough motivation to push myself to think about The List of Things to Do, write a grocery list, and map out the rest of my evening, and then I sat through the first hour of class.  And then the next hour.  And the third.  I'm starting on hour three and I have no motivation for my list.  I don't want to go grocery shopping.  I want to just be done with the day and move on.

But I can't.  For the next hour I have to remind myself why I'm doing this.  Why I'm going through  four hour class and why the things on The List of Things to Do exist in the first place.  And it's hard.  It's really freaking hard.  But when I push myself through, I can pull the blankets up to my chin and sleep.

Will I wake up tomorrow ready to start the day?  I don't know.  But what I do know is that whether I'm unmotivated or not, I'll get through it.  I'll take some time to read a few blogs, read a magazine, or take a mental break.  That's how I'll get through it.  I might cry too, who knows.  But I will get through it.

What do you do to get out of an un-motivated slump?

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